Ultimate Cheatmenu
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You can now save, load or reset the Ultimate Cheatmenu settings (in Tab "Game"). If you restart The Forest it will apply the saved settings (when opening UCM the first time).
Supported languages (change in "Game"-Tab)
Not in menu
Supported languages (change in "Game"-Tab)
- English
- German (AllesKutEnter)
- Dutch (MikaPikaaa)
- Polish (RavenNevah)
- Portuguese (PeDrum)
- Spanish (hendrixjunior)
- Korean (zzangae)
- Japanese (zzangae)
- Simplified/Traditional Chinese (FlyMo)
- Russian (KiriGo)
- French (Olonox)
- Thai (TomahawkX)
- Hungarian (RobertPBB)
- Italian (Ocizuko)
- Scale menu to screen
- L18n: Added Italian (by Ocizuko)
- L18n: Added Hungarian (by RobertPBB)
- L18n: Added Thai (by TomahawkX)
- L18n: Added Turkish (by DOMTİS ÇORBASI)
- L18n: Added French
- added girl and worm spawner
- L18n: Added Russian
- L18n: Added Traditional Chinese
- Fixed description
- Added Respawn Greeble
- Added Reset Suitcases
- Added Reset Suitcases Sphere
- Made label clickable
- L18n: Added Spanish, Korean, Japanese
- added objects to respawn key
- sorted item lists
- L18n: Added Simplified Chinese, Portuguese
- added max spawned logs
- disabled animal spawn in MP
- Localization! (currently English, German, Polish, Dutch)
- Switched toggle+label position, so text can be longer
- F1 - Open menu
- F3 - Free Cam
- F4 - Freeze Time
- F6 - Fly
- F7 - Noclip
- F - Instant Build
- Shift+R - Instant Repair
- X - Sphere (Hold X and use the scrollwheel to change the radius; release to execute)
- T - Respawn/-add last prop/item/animal/mutant
- Shift + T - Respawn Infinite (hold)
Not in menu
- Infinite garden size
- Infinite building height
- use scrollwheel with hole cutter to change the size
- Godmode
- Fly
- Noclip
- InstaTree (Chop trees with 1 hit)
- Instant Building Destroy (Destroy buildings with 1 hit)
- Unlimited Fuel (for the chainsaw)
- No Underwater Blur
- Infinite Fire (fireplaces+effigies)
- Sleep / Sleep+Save
- Free Cam (or F3)
- Freeze Time (or F4)
- Fast Bow (even faster with Item Hack; equip bow first, then enable) + Flintlock(shoot faster when running faster)
- Auto Lighter (automatically light dynamite/molotov)
- Explosion radius
- Buildings - Cancel Ghost / Repair / Collision (build anywhere; will not work for structures where collision is important (e.g. zipline))
- Enable Effigies
- Enable Endgame
- Log Hack (Hold infinite logs)
- Infinite Spawned Logs (inf. logs in world)
- Item Hack (infinite items in inventory)
- No item consume (Items will not be removed from your inventory (in crafting or when consumed))
- Build Hack (enable creative mode; use F to build instant)
- Sphere (Hold X and use the scrollwheel to change the radius; release to execute)
- Cut trees
- Cut tree stumps
- cut bushes (only small radius around player; includes gardens, aloe,...)
- Break crates
- Open suitcases
- Light Fires
- Reset Traps
- Call Crane
- Fill Holders (Sap, Water Collector, Bone,Arrow,Stick,Rabbit... Holders, Sled (toggle between Log/Rock/Stick))
- Time
- Night Light
- Cave Light
- Torch Light Color
- Fog
- Weather
- Garden Plant/Grow (grow may not work)
- Cut/Grow Trees (ex.: 5 -> cut 5 trees ; 5% -> cut 5% of all trees)
- Cut Grass
- Stats
- Invisible (to enemies)
- Kill/Revive LocalPlayer
- Set Player/body/clothing variation (Screenshots)
- Kill Animals
- Toggle Animals/Birds
- Spawn Animals
- Kill Enemies
- Toggle Enemies
- Spawn single mutant types
- Spawn mutant families
- Spawn Items
- Spawn Pickups + MP Props
- Add items (by list, name, id / 1 or inf)
- Teleport to Player
- Open Steam Profile
- Revive Player
- Teleport
- Goto Theforestmap location
- Go in/out of caves
- Set current day
- Save Game
- Save/Load/Reset Ultimate Cheatmenu settings
- UCM Translation
- Toggle Veganmode
- Toggel survival features
- Switch game modes
- Switch difficulty modes
- Crosshair
File | UltimateCheatmenu-2.3.6-d240140a239a4159f64c3576a62bda94.mod |
Compatible | 1.11b |
Version | 2.3.6 |
Buttons | ||
Name | Description | Button |
OpenMenu | Toggle Cheatmenu | F1 |
Sphere | Create a sphere. Use the scrollwheel to change the radius | X |
Freeze Time | Freezes Time | F4 |
InstaBuild | Instant build Ghost Buildings | F |
FreeCam | Toggle FreeCam | F3 |
InstaRepair | Repair all Buildings | LeftShift+R |
Fly | Toggle Fly mode | F6 |
Noclip | toggle noclip | F7 |
Respawn | respawn last item/prop | T |
RespawnInfinite | hold to respawn last item/prop | LeftShift+T |
The Forest