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The Forest Twitch Chat Integration

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Twitch Chat Integration For The Forest

Adds a bunch of commands that your viewers can use to cause various events in your game.
Requires ModAPI Twitch Chat Integration Core
If the mods is successfully installed, after opening the mod menu (CTRL + SHIFT + F8) you should see commands from below in the list.


- Install ModAPI Twitch Chat Integration Core and The Forest Twitch Chat Integration
- Log in, explained how to do this in the description of ModAPI Twitch Chat Integration Core
- Start game
- Open mod menu with CTRL + SHIFT + F8
- Click checkbox to turn on/off chat commands
- As a viewer use prefix+command name to cause an event. Some commands take parameters :
  • !burn - ignites player
  • !additem merigold - gives one merigold to the player
  • !vags - spawns virginia

its advised to start a coop game. Otherwise commands for spawning enemies may not work. It's also advised as you can respawn in MP
ive not had time to test any of those.

Command list
  1. burn - ignites player
  2. hunger - makes the player hungry
  3. feed - make the player less hungry
  4. thirst - makes the player thristy
  5. drink - makes the player less thirsty
  6. heal - gives the player +100 HP
  7. infect - infects the player
  8. cure - heals infection
  9. tired- removes all energy from player
  10. energy - adds +100 energy
  11. jump - teleports player 8m in the air
  12. sleep - goes to sleep, respawns enemies & skips to night/day
  13. sit - forces the player to sit down
  14. build [building name] - creates a building, see names below item ids.
  15. yeet [number] - pushes the player with some force
  16. revive - picks up the player in multiplayer
  17. settime [number] - changes in-game time
  18. shake - earthquake
  19. birb - bird lands on hand
  20. removeitem [item name][/amount] - removes an item from player inventory
  21. equipitem [item name][/amount] - forces the player to equip an item. If not owned, does nothing
  22. createitem [item name][/amount] - creates an item pickup on the ground in front of the player
  23. armsy - spawns an armsy
  24. sausage - spawns the worm
  25. megan - spawns the megan monster
  26. vags - spawns virginia
  27. fatman - spawns fat mutant
  28. fireman - spawns fireball thrower cannibal
  29. enemy [enemy name] - spawns an enemy
  30. explosives - gives some bombs to the player
  31. additem [item name][/amount]- adds some item to the player
  32. killenemy [number]- kills up to 5 closest enemies

Item names for Add Remove Equip Commands
  • BombTimed 29
  • CBoard 31
  • Cloth 33
  • Leaf 34
  • TapeSticky 280
  • Lizard 35
  • Battery 36
  • Fuel 262
  • Booze 37
  • Cash 38
  • Watch 41
  • Feather 42
  • Flare 43
  • FlareGun 44
  • FlintLock 230
  • FlintLock part 1 232
  • FlintLock part 2 233
  • FlintLock part 3 234
  • FlintLock part 4 235
  • FlintLock part 5 236
  • FlintLock part 6 237
  • FlintLock part 7 238
  • FlintLock part 8 241
  • Head 46
  • Leg 47
  • Lighter 48
  • Meds 49
  • PlasticTorch 51
  • PlasticTorch_Bow 283
  • PlasticTorch_ModernBow 287
  • PlasticTorch_Chainsaw 288
  • PlasticTorch_Flintlock 289
  • Rock 53
  • Rope 54
  • Spear 56
  • Stick 57
  • Tooth 60
  • Walkman 61
  • Pedometer 63
  • Marigold 67
  • MedicineCrafted 68
  • MedicineCraftedPlus 212
  • Cassette 1 69
  • Molotov 71
  • SurvivalBook 74
  • FireStick 75
  • Hairspray 291
  • Rabbit Dead 76
  • Rabbit Alive 77
  • Log 78
  • Bow 79
  • BowCross 306
  • Slingshot 281
  • RecurveBow 279
  • Axe Plane 80
  • Chainsaw 261
  • Tennis Ball 81
  • ArtifactBall 294
  • Small Rock 82
  • Arrows 83
  • AxeRusty 86
  • AxeCrafted 87
  • RepairTool 257
  • AxeModern 88
  • ChocolateBar 89
  • Arm 90
  • Coins 91
  • LizardSkin 92
  • Skull 94
  • ClubCrafted 95
  • Club 96
  • ConeFlower 97
  • Chicory 98
  • Aloe 99
  • EnergyMix 100
  • EnergyMixPlus 213
  • HeadBomb 101
  • Seed_Aloe 103
  • TreeSap 104
  • StickUpgraded 105
  • RockUpgraded 106
  • FlareGunAmmo 107
  • flintlockAmmo 231
  • CrossbowAmmo 307
  • Glass 108
  • Soda 109
  • PlaneFood 110
  • twinberry 112
  • SnowBerry 113
  • BlueBerry 114
  • MushroomAmanita 115
  • MushroomJack 277
  • MushroomChanterelle 116
  • MushroomDeerMush 278
  • MushroomLibertyCap 276
  • MushroomPuffmush 275
  • Cassette 2 117
  • Cassette 4 118
  • Cassette 3 119
  • Cassette 5 120
  • CamcorderTape1 269
  • CamcorderTape2 272
  • CamcorderTape4 271
  • CamcorderTape5 274
  • CamcorderTape6 273
  • CamcorderTape3 270
  • WalkyTalky 122
  • GenericMeat 123
  • DeerSkin 126
  • Warmsuit 299
  • BoarSkin 292
  • RacoonSkin 293
  • Cod 127
  • RabbitSkin 129
  • Pouch 130
  • BluePaint 131
  • OrangePaint 132
  • Toy_Head 133
  • Toy_Arm 134
  • Toy_Leg 135
  • Toy_Torso 136
  • StealthArmor 137
  • Axe Climbing 138
  • Map_Cave2 139
  • Cross 140
  • PaintBrush 240
  • TurtleShell 141
  • Pot 142
  • Rebreather 143
  • AirCanister 144
  • Waterskin 145
  • MagazineCaver 147
  • Magazine 148
  • MagazineLimestone 149
  • Bible 150
  • PolaroidYacht 152
  • PolaroidKeyCard1 258
  • PolaroidKeyCard2 259
  • PolaroidKeyCard3 260
  • PageChurch 308
  • PageGlider 309
  • PageRollercoaster 310
  • PageTower 311
  • PhotoCache1 220
  • PhotoCache2 226
  • PhotoCache3 225
  • PhotoCache8 224
  • PhotoCache9 227
  • PhotoTimmy 302
  • PhotoCache6 223
  • PhotoCache5 222
  • shippingManifest 229
  • RestrainingOrder 243
  • TerminationLetter 244
  • MorgueReport 245
  • BiblePage1 246
  • MeganDrawingFlower 251
  • MeganDrawingUnicorn 253
  • MeganDrawingDaddy 252
  • MeganDrawingDino 254
  • MeganCrayons 248
  • Camcorder 267
  • ArtifactPhoto 249
  • EmailPlane 255
  • EmailPhoto 256
  • BiblePage2 247
  • BiblePage3 303
  • PhotoCache4 221
  • PolaroidMegan 219
  • PolaroidVagz 153
  • SketchSinkhole 154
  • SketchVagz 155
  • MapPiece_1 156
  • MapPiece_2 157
  • MapPiece_4 159
  • MapPiece_3 165
  • MapFull 169
  • Compass 173
  • dynamite 175
  • MilkCarton 176
  • SpearUpgraded 177
  • bone 178
  • ToyFull 179
  • Katana 180
  • Machete 265
  • Oyster 181
  • PolaroidTeddy 182
  • NewspaperStripper 183
  • TennisRaquet 184
  • AnimalHead_rabbit 185
  • AnimalHead_Boar 186
  • AnimalHead_Deer 187
  • AnimalHead_Crocodile 188
  • AnimalHead_Racoon 189
  • AnimalHead_Lizard 190
  • AnimalHead_Seagul 191
  • AnimalHead_Squirrel 192
  • AnimalHead_Tortoise 193
  • CreepyHead_Armsy 295
  • CreepyHead_Baby 296
  • CreepyHead_Fat 297
  • CreepyHead_Vag 298
  • AnimalHead_Goose 194
  • AnimalHead_Shark 195
  • CaveMap 196
  • PassengerManifest 197
  • MetalTinTray 198
  • SnowShoes 199
  • Quiver 200
  • RockBag 214
  • StickBag 215
  • SmallRockBag 282
  • SpearBag 290
  • RabbitFurBoots 201
  • fortune 202
  • BookDarkHaired 203
  • BoneArmor 204
  • CreepySkin 301
  • Seed_Coneflower 205
  • Seed_BlueBerry 206
  • SmallGenericMeat 207
  • TimmyDrawing 208
  • Magazine_reality 209
  • ChainsawAd 263
  • Magazine_science 218
  • Keycard 210
  • artifactKey 305
  • KeycardElevator 242
  • SketchArtifact 217
  • SketchArtifact4 250
  • BlackBerry 211

Avaible buildings for build cmd
  • Cage
  • EffigyHead
  • EffigyLarge
  • EffigyRain
  • EffigySmall
  • EffigyEx
  • Fire
  • FireParallel
  • FireReflector
  • FireRockPit
  • FireStand
  • Roof
  • RoofOLD
  • Floor
  • Stairs
  • Dock
  • Foundation
  • FloorHole
  • RaftEx
  • RaftOarEx
  • Garden
  • GardenEx
  • UndergroundGardenEx
  • Coaster
  • HouseBoat
  • LeafShelter
  • LogCabin
  • LogCabinMed
  • LogHolder
  • LogHolderLarge
  • LogSled
  • Platform
  • RockSidePlatform
  • PlatformBridge
  • TreePlatform
  • TreePlatformAnchor
  • Raft
  • RockHolder
  • RockHolderLarge
  • Shelter
  • Staircase
  • ClimbingRope
  • StickHolder
  • StickHolderLarge
  • StickMarker
  • TempShelter
  • TrapDeadfall
  • TrapPole
  • TrapRope
  • TrapSimple
  • TrapSpikedWall
  • TrapSwingingRock
  • TreeHouse
  • TreeHouseAnchor
  • Wall
  • WallEx
  • WallExH
  • WallSmall
  • StickFence
  • RockFence
  • BoneFence
  • WallDefensive
  • WallDefensiveReinforcement
  • WallDefensiveGate
  • WallDoorway
  • WallWindow
  • WorkBench
  • ItemStash
  • WeaponRack
  • ArmorMannequin
  • DryingRack
  • DryingRackLite
  • BonFire
  • TreeHouseChatel
  • TreeHouseChatelAnchor
  • Walkway
  • RockPathEx
  • RabbitTrap
  • FishTrap
  • Gazeebo
  • DefensiveSpikes
  • MedicineCabinet
  • ExplosiveHolder
  • ArrowBasket
  • BoneBasket
  • SnackHolder
  • SkinRack
  • TrapTripWireExplosive
  • TrapTripWireMolotov
  • TrapLeafPile
  • SkullLight
  • CeilingSkullLight
  • Bed
  • Table
  • TableSmall
  • Chair
  • BoneChair
  • Couch
  • Target
  • SideTable
  • FirePlace
  • WallItemCache
  • FloorItemCache
  • WaterCollector
  • TreeSapCollector
  • Birdhouse
  • Decoration_deerSkin
  • Decoration_rabbitSkin
  • Decoration_skull
  • Decoration_Trophy
  • Decoration_WallWeaponHolder
  • Decoration_GroundWeaponHolder
  • Decoration_WallPlantPot
  • Decoration_BoneChandelier
  • Decoration_BoneFrame
  • Decoration_StickFrame
  • Decoration_RabbitWallRug
  • RockThrower
  • Crane
  • Zipline
  • ZiplineTree
  • Swap_AnimalTrap
  • Swap_Floor
  • Swap_Platform
  • Swap_WeaponHolderDecoration
  • TimmyEffigy
  • TimmyEffigySitting
  • MomEffigy
  • MomEffigySitting
  • TVeffigy
  • Dogeffigy
  • CarEffigy
  • Signal
  • Church
  • Coffin
  • HangGlider
  • Wardrobe
  • Cross
  • Tower
File TheForestTwitchIntegration-1.3-f59953e7719670b610b4d7a81f05c7bf.mod
Compatible 1.11b
Version 1.3

videogame_asset The Forest label Other
  • Version 1.3 (1.11b) 06. Nov 2019
    7.07 kB


Downloading ModAPI...

1 Your download is ready!

Extract the .zip file to
C:/Program Files (x86)/
Or choose another location. Do not extract it inside the Steam game folder.

2 Start ModAPI.exe

3 Enable mods

4 Start the game

You can launch your game regularly through Steam without ModAPI after the first launch.