[DS] Window Adjustment
Allows you to adjust the size of the window for Dedicated Server
label Graphical changes

[DS] Live Web Map ( Extern Webserver )
Allows you to see through the browser who hides where.
label Multiplayer

[DS] Auto Restart/Shutdown
Allow to restart/shutdown the server automatic to configurated times.
label Multiplayer

[DS] Discord Webhook Info
Inform everyone on discord on player join/left the server. Send Chat in discord ( only send from server to discord, not discord to server )
label Multiplayer

[DS] Kill instead of despawn
Only works with deactivated Enemies on day. Enemies will be die and not despawn on day start.
label Multiplayer

Respawning Enemies DS
Reupload of respawning enemies for dedicated server - the same file
label Bugfixes