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ModAPI Version (build 20200416, gen 20230829)

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Mod Downloads Info View
Debug mode 224,468 info_outline
Enables the debug mode and lets you use all the cheat codes
More Carryweight 196,356 info_outline
Increases your carryweight from 50 to 300.
Quick Launch 146,960 info_outline
Starts the game without showing the logos and therefore starts 15 seconds faster
No Item Durability / Spoil 114,689 info_outline
Remove the durability and spoil feature of the game. ----- You enjoy my work? A donation would be great! -
Freecam 95,470 info_outline
Lets you fly right up in the sky
ModCrafting 87,906 info_outline
ModCrafting is a mod for Green Hell, that allows a player to craft any game item without the needed materials and to destroy any selected item within player range or pointed at with the mouse. Items can be filtered on item types.
Build Everywhere 140,029 info_outline
Allows you to place structures anywhere youd like. As well as removing the build height limit.
Always Show Names 108,776 info_outline
Names of players in coop no longer fade out after a distance. This allows you to see where your friends are, no matter how far away.
10 Slot Coop 98,162 info_outline
Expands your coop server from 4 to 10 slots.
ModConstructions 95,770 info_outline
ModConstructions is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to unlock all construction blueprints. It also gives the player the possibility to instantly finish any ongoing constructions, destroy objects and to build anywhere.
NoDrop 94,039 info_outline
Don't drop your stuff when you die
Custom Map 93,954 info_outline
Shows a custom map with your current position. No need for you to have a custom map open on a second screen anymore.
SteadyAim 82,142 info_outline
Removes sway while aiming with the bow.
ModTools 81,609 info_outline
ModTools is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to unlock all tool- armor- weapon- and trap blueprints.
Save Anywhere 77,510 info_outline
Adds a new button the the pause menu which allows you to save instantly.
ModManager 69,801 info_outline
ModManager is a mod for Green Hell, which aims to be a tool for players who would like to be able to use ModAPI mods - like Debug Mode - and cheats in multiplayer when not being host. It can also help troubleeshoot mod loading issues.
ModShelter 68,656 info_outline
ModShelter is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to unlock all shelters and beds blueprints. It is also possible to create or destroy some sleeping items which normally cannot be crafted. The player can optionally choose to instantly build.
ModTeleporter 67,043 info_outline
ModTeleporter is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to teleport / fast travel to a custom-bound / key map location, in sequence or after map location selection, using a map extended with markers for all locations and player position.
ModHunter 63,719 info_outline
ModHunter is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to unlock all blueprints for weapons, armor and traps and to spawn in tribal weapons. Press P (default) or the key configurable in ModAPI to open the main mod screen.
ModMiner 63,340 info_outline
ModMiner is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to spawn charcoal, stones, obsidian, iron and gold sacks. The ores will be added to the player inventory.
ModFarmer 61,829 info_outline
ModFarmer is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to get farming materials (seeds, flowers, nuts, mushrooms and droppings) and some special items. The weather can also be changed to raining or dry weather.
Longer Campfires [Outdated] 57,850 info_outline
Increases the burningduration of campfires drasticly You enjoy my work? A donation would be great! -
Minimap mod 57,255 info_outline
A minimap mod for Green Hell, with many features!
Quick Crafting 53,650 info_outline
In inventory, click the configurable key (see mod's Settings in ModAPI) to quickly send the hovered item to the crafting table (instead of having to drag&drop it manually).
ModQuickEquip 52,999 info_outline
ModQuickEquip is a mod for Green Hell that adds a quick equip slot for the 5th weapon - slot for a blade or knife - attached to the related backpack pocket.
SoloRespawn 52,910 info_outline
Respawn instead of reloading when you die in single player
ModTime 51,972 info_outline
ModTime is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to custom set in-game day and night cycle time scales, to fast-forward daytime, to change the weather and to do some player health management.
ModAI 50,448 info_outline
ModAI is a mod for Green Hell that enables a player to use cheats, customize some AI behaviour and spawn in tribals in waves and other creatures.
Fall Distance Improved 49,580 info_outline
Fall further before taking damge
Teleport To Player 47,513 info_outline
Type "/tp player_name" to chat (without quotes).
Highlight Vicinity Items 46,020 info_outline
Highlighting all interactable items within player's vicinity when the configurable key (see mod's Settings in ModAPI) is pressed.
AnthillKill 45,741 info_outline
Wage war on the anthills
ModHUD 44,046 info_outline
ModHUD is a mod for Green Hell that adds a player HUD which displays player stats and compass.
More Graphics Settings 43,697 info_outline
Shows additional graphics settings when the configurable key (see mod's Settings in ModAPI) is held for a short while during gameplay. Some of these settings can boost FPS significantly on potato PCs.
Toggle HUD 43,037 info_outline
Toggles the HUD and allows for nicer screenshots. The key to toggle the HUD is: F11
ModAchievements 42,464 info_outline
ModAchievements is a mod for Green Hell that allows a player to manage game achievements.
Always Visible Item Infos 40,598 info_outline
Consumable effects and item durations are shown for highlighted items even if inventory isn't open.
CommunityTools 40,364 info_outline
CommunityTools is a mod for Green Hell that aims to be a tool for the gamer community. A player can contact Creepy Jar by mail, go to the Steam Guide, Steam Forum or create bug reports.
Spawn items 39,899 info_outline
Quick & dirty hack menu to spawn most items
No Heartbeat 39,505 info_outline
No heartbeat sound when at low health
Infinite Burning 37,418 info_outline
Infinite burning duration of Campfires and Torches
Replant 37,107 info_outline
When a plant is chopped down (as opposed to plowing), it reverts to the ungrown state, rather than an empty plot. So for example, when growing wood, you only need a single brazil tree seed, it will regrow after you cut it. Permissions: MIT license
Quick Eating 36,909 info_outline
Quickly eat foods on the ground or on a tree by holding the ACTION key. You can also quickly eat foods in the inventory by hovering the cursor over them and then pressing the ACTION key.
Carrying Weight HUD 35,451 info_outline
Show how much weight you're carrying at all times!
Building Tweaks 35,285 info_outline
Allows you to instantly build new blueprints, finish the ones that are already placed, and build everywhere.
Quiver 34,491 info_outline
Shows your arrow count at the top (or bottom) of your screen and notifications when your arrow count changes.
Permanent Compass 33,300 info_outline
Show a permanent compass on tof of the screen.
SteadyAim v2 32,725 info_outline
Allows the player to tweak aim settings precisely. It is an enhanced version of the old SteadyAim mod from Werkrat.
Quick Fade 31,897 info_outline
Sets maximum length of common fade screens to 0.1 seconds.
Stuck Save Fixer 31,255 info_outline
When save game operation is stuck, the configurable hotkey (see mod's Settings in ModAPI) can be pressed to unstuck it.
Scaling Carry Weight 31,205 info_outline
Your maximum carry weight will change based on how well you are taking care of your macronutrients. From -10kg up to +30kg.
Big Inventory 29,894 info_outline
Increase size of backpacks by lowering size of objects and increasing grid size available. Also increases max weight to 500.
Gulliver Mod 29,822 info_outline
Change the size of entities (including yourself) in the world. Press the configurable key (see mod's Settings in ModAPI) for a short while to access the scale options.
Runtime Inspector 29,330 info_outline
Shows runtime inspector & hierarchy panels when the configurable key (see mod's Settings in ModAPI) is held for a short while to debug the game.
Automatic Saves 26,786 info_outline
Automatic Saves is a mod for Green Hell that will automatically save game every 10 minutes (with configurable frequency and on/off toggle).
Permanent Stats 26,724 info_outline
Statistics always visible on the screen.
Animal Husbandry 25,731 info_outline
Animal Husbandry mod allows you to tweak animal husbandry settings. It also provides a feature to save and/or load customized settings.
Carry 21,899 info_outline
This mod let you carry more weight Finally. It will make your weight (200) instead of (50). This mod compatible with Game Version 2.4.1+
Configurable carry weight 19,037 info_outline
Default max weight: 80. On first launch a file named WeightSettings.xml will be created in .../Green Hell/Mods. Update the WeightSettings.xml file to configure the desired weight limit.
Infinite forge 16,126 info_outline
Once Mud forge is lit, it will remain operational forever
No spoilage / damage 15,442 info_outline
Enhanced version of Moritz's "No Item Durability / Spoil" - will no longer spoil mushroom as well, and will only work in inventory and storages
Energy buff 15,091 info_outline
Decrease energy consumption by 10x/20x
Modify Energy Decay 13,692 info_outline
This mod adjusts the energy decay rate to be slower as it will fit more realistic to the real daily time span.
No Centipede 13,152 info_outline
Cleaning the world of centipedes!
Modify Time Speed 12,617 info_outline
If you feel like time passes too fast and feel the need to hurry all the time, this mode halves the time speed so that you can breathe the air on breaks.
Moon Phases 12,149 info_outline
If you feel overwhelmed by the unchanging moon every night, this mod brings you the naturality of the moon cycle.
Modify Nutrition Rate 11,908 info_outline
This mod, modifies nutrition consumption rate who feel like, starting the game in easy mod, it feels too slow to deplete nutritions. You can adjust your nutrition diffuculty with this mod.
Cleaner World 11,709 info_outline
Cleaning the world of shit!
Enemy Patrol Mod 11,395 info_outline
This mod overhauls the enemy patrol system to make you feel safer.
Small Trap Destroy Animal 10,682 info_outline
If you feel like having to take and destroy small animals like spiders, scorpions etc. everytime they are trapped in, this mod make it easier. You'll just hover over the animal in the trap and remove it just with one click.
Spiritual Warfare 10,579 info_outline
It's a spiritual warfare! Having to face natives with their own understanding of reality might make you feel unsafe. This mod brings Jake's cultural origin into the game.
Combat Overhaul 10,397 info_outline
Improves the way tribes fight.
Harvesting Mod 5,276 info_outline
With this mod, you do not put bones into your bag after harvesting animal but drop on the ground.
OverWatch 4,457 info_outline
A "trainer" in progress, multiple features, everything is saved , filtered, and toggleable. See description for more. Constantly adding more features.
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Downloading YUMI...

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Extract the .zip file to
C:/Program Files (x86)/
Or choose another location. Do not extract it inside the Steam game folder.

2 Start YUMI.exe and follow the installation steps.

3 Select the game path
(e.g. Steamkeyboard_arrow_rightSteamAppskeyboard_arrow_rightcommonkeyboard_arrow_rightSons Of The Forest)

4 Start the game through Steam

If you later add mods, just restart YUMI and it will automatically install them.



Downloading ModAPI...

1 Your download is ready!

Extract the .zip file to
C:/Program Files (x86)/
Or choose another location. Do not extract it inside the Steam game folder.

2 Start ModAPI.exe

3 Enable mods

4 Start the game

You can launch your game regularly through Steam without ModAPI after the first launch.