Destroyer Of Worlds
Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. Remove any object from the game.
label Worldchanges

Better Blueprints
Quickinteract / Reverse rotate / Build everywhere / Custom blueprint color / No anchorpoint limit / Infinite zipline
label Buildings

A mod for mods. w8 till i make a description to make something with it. or i might make a yt video. IDK yet
label Buildings

Champions of The Forest
THE BIGGEST THE FOREST MOD. Adds new items, weapons, spells, perks and stronger enemies. Works in multiplayer.
label Worldchanges

Easy Building
​​Reduces the required resources of every building by half​ Works on every version above 0.49 (Please dont sue me if im wrong) Patch Notes: Fixed Color Reduced Sarcasm by 10% Increased Pay wage by 14%
label Balancing

Tired of pressing SPACE bar when joining a new game or hosting your own? This mod does that automatically for you.
label Other

Player Upgrade Points
Turns The Forest into a RPG game. Level up. Upgrade your character to your playstyle
label Other

[BAC] Blight's Anti Cheat
With this Mod you are able to host and join BAC protected server's.
label Multiplayer

InventoryMod 2
Add items to your inventory, original Inventory Mod created by JeffWienen, alphabetical sorting and categories added by Hermano
label Items

No Sleep Cooldown
Never wait until you sleep again! (Its just sleeping pills what could go wrong)
label Bugfixes

Flintlock Machinegun
Reduces flintlock reload delay to 0.1 seconds. Does not make it fire automatically. Still requires ammo.
label Items

This is a mod for the game The Forest. ModAPI is needed to use this mod. You can lookup for recipes and create blueprints to combine your items several times if oyu have the ressources. The latest Release can be found here github.com/john-dederer/
label Items

Longer Days and Nights
This mod will double the length of both the days and nights in the game.
label Worldchanges

Flare Machinegun
Reduces Flaregun reload delay to 0.5 seconds. Does not make it fire automatically. Still requires ammo.
label Items

Your griefing tool of choice. Features everything that every griefer ever wanted. Join in invisible, be unkick/unbannable, destroy all trees and buildings with single key presses, kill all survivors from everywhere, teleport everywhere, be god.
label Cheats

It lets you set the spawn rates for the different types of enemies on the surface.
label Enemies

No Password Servers
Removes password protected servers from the dedicated server query.
label Multiplayer

More Enemies Mod Plus Deluxe Ultra
Adds double the enemies to your world for a much greater challenge!
label Bugfixes

Anti GriefClient [Obsolete]
Kicks everyone from your server who is using the GriefClient mod. No more invisible people griefing your stuff.
label Multiplayer

Tool Kit Plus
Enhanced flashlight along with more powerful rebreather & altered water blur (I can see). *Easter Eggs (not telling).
label Items

Blocks attacking when the game is out of focus and you focus it again with a left click. This is only useful when you have two monitors and play the game on windowed mode.
label Bugfixes

Custom Enemy Stats
Adjust every statistic from enemys and make them fit your desire! Save your changes to up to three different slots and load them at any time.
label Bugfixes

It makes the white labels transparent, not brilliant but at least you can see the text behind it. Like your strength :) Es macht den Hintergrund fuer die Uebersetzungen transparent und man sieht die Werte dahinter, wie z.B. deine Staerke :)
label Bugfixes

Difficult Scaling
Tired of enemies being garbage all the time? Looking for a late-game challenge? With this mod enemy stats will increase every day.
label Enemies

More enemies plus deluxe extra super...
"More enemies plus deluxe extra super ultra despacito squared but harder" has more enemies and is harder than "More Enemies Mod Plus Deluxe Ultra" by Moritz
label Enemies

Third Person
See the world from a other point of view. - Switch between 2 modes of view with F5 key (default).
label Graphical changes

Color Torch
Change color,spot angle,and range for flashlight torch,and air re-breather torch
label Other

Farket Roofing (SP Only)
Ever wanted to build custom roof downwards, well now you can.
label Buildings

If you somehow fall through the map, you will be put back on the surface.
label Bugfixes

Bether Grass Settings
Same Grass Settings, but updated!!! Now save/load settings and more... =D
label Graphical changes

Fix calories coop client
Fixes a bug that has in the coop in survival mode ... only client, host does not occur.
label Bugfixes

Hard Survival+
Decreases spawn rates of animals, suitcases, etc. Increases surface enemy spawns.
label Worldchanges

Structure counter
This mod counts your built structures, besides a few small things like traps and decorations.
label Other

The Forest Twitch Chat Integration
Adds several fun commands to ModAPI Twitch Chat Integration Core for game 'The Forest'
label Other

ModAPI Twitch Chat Integration Core
Let Twitch Chat controll your game! This mod needs to be extended by other mods, as on its own it made to support multipe games.
label Bugfixes

Inner Clock
Replaces the "press Z to sleep either till midnight or till morning" with four buttons ranging from a short nap to a deep slumber. Also skips the check wether you recently slept or not.
label Other

Demanding enemies in maps
Claim enemies on the map To walk to all of us #I'm Thailand
label Bugfixes

Map (Korean)
Original author : AllesKutEnter Original MAP mod posted South-Korean translation
label Cheats

Marsarah Mod
Player stats, item amount, player condition and enemy proximity detector windows. No worm spawn, weak enemies, faster walk run and swim speeds, longer days or nights and moonlight and cave light amount changes.
label Other

Rattus ModMenu
A small mod menu I created to help me speed up the development of other future mods.
label Cheats

Approaching trap reset trigger area instantaneously resets it for free. Permissions: MIT License
label Cheats

简体中文地图/Simplified Chinese Map
这是一个简体中文版本的地图,专为中国玩家设计/This is a simplified Chinese version of the map, designed for Chinese players
label Cheats

Simple Player Markers
Simple Player Markers allows players to quickly place a temp marker at location to help lead the attention of others.
label Other

玩家升级点/Player Upgrade Points
此为简体中文版/Chinese (Simplified)的【Player Upgrade Points】,为中国玩家专属翻译
label Other

Chinese (Simplified)【Champions of The Forest Hazard】进行了大量的本地化中文翻译,专为中国玩家打造
label Multiplayer

Small Leaf Trap Burns Forever
The leaf trap from the small traps menu burns forever. Permissions: MIT License
label Bugfixes

Green Hell: Planters now have capacity for 5000 water units instead of just 100. While it stores at least 100 water, the plant gains bonus growth (equal to grow speed without fertilizer). When it stores 5000 water, it gains 50x. Permissions: MIT Lic.
label Cheats

Little Better Flashlight
Make it so the Flashlight is worth using and vanilla friendly.
label Balancing

Home Sweet Home
Allows you to Respawn at your last Save Location. No longer will you have to walk back to your base every time you die.
label Other

Remember the hotbar in Minecraft? This mod does the same with the quick slot items. It technically shows the 4 quick select items in the hotbar that gets created where you've set padding. Translation for item names is automated.
label Graphical changes

Multiplayer Dragaway
Remember getting dragged away in Singleplayer? Now it can happen in Multiplayer.
label Multiplayer

Multiplayer Dragaway 50%
Same as the Multiplayer Dragaway mod, but with a 50% Chance of being dragged.
label Multiplayer

Improved Debug Console
Significantly improves the game's debug mode and packs it with plenty of new features.
label Other

Super Easy Build
Greatly reduce the number of items for crafting. Reduction is applied based on the required number of items in the recipe.
label Balancing

Frame Limiter
A simple mod for The Forest that limits the game's framerate to 30 FPS when paused or loading into a world.
label Bugfixes